Javascript Starter Template
A simple Javascript starter template application for using
This template is a minimal application to get you started. Just replace the endpoint URL in the new EventSource(…)
line with the SSE endpoint you want to use.
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><!-- Polyfill for older browsers without native support for the HTML5 EventSource API. --><script src=""></script></head><body><div id="payload"></div><script>const stream = new EventSource("",);// Handler for when the stream is opened (either the first time or after a reconnect).stream.addEventListener("open",function (event) {console.log("Stream is open");},false,);// Handler for new"message",(event) => {document.getElementById("payload").innerText =;},false,);// Handler for a dropped connection or the server closing the"error",function (event) {switch ( {case EventSource.CONNECTING:console.log("Reconnecting...");break;case EventSource.CLOSED:console.log("Connection failed, will not reconnect");break;}},false,);</script></body></html>